Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Safety Measures at Workplace to be Considered during Pandemic Period
The emerging strategies and updated safety measures that a lot of leading organizations of all sizes are taking into consideration and implementing to ensure their workplaces and human capital safely through the pandemic. These measures are being publish to support employers taking steps within their amenities to establish c enters for Disease Control and Preclusion and Professional Safety and Health Management measures and sanctions , in the mean time also vindicating operation s and business related risks that are beyond the scope of such direction . It does not meant as administrative, legal, medical or authoritative guidelines . It is only the common best practices consensually communicated , developed and adopted by the big bees . Most employers have reduced outside visitor s’ access or are only the visitors if critically required for ongoing operations (i.e. repair & maintenance service , technicians , etc. ). Employers are using predefin...